You have learnt so much
And read a thousand books.
Have you ever read your Self?
You have gone to mosque and temple.
Have you ever visited your soul?
You are busy fighting Satan.
Have you ever fought your
Ill intentions?
You have reached into the skies,
But have you reached
What's in your heart?
~ Bulleh Shah
domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013
domingo, 28 de julho de 2013
Exactly as a shadow appears when light is intercepted by the body, so does the person arise when pure self- awareness is obstructed by the "I-am-the-body" idea.
And as the shadow changes shape and position according to the lay of the land, so does the person appear to rejoice and suffer, rest and toil, find and lose according to the pattern of destiny.
When the body is no more, the person disappears completely without return, only the witness remains and the Great Unknown.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
And as the shadow changes shape and position according to the lay of the land, so does the person appear to rejoice and suffer, rest and toil, find and lose according to the pattern of destiny.
When the body is no more, the person disappears completely without return, only the witness remains and the Great Unknown.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
sábado, 27 de julho de 2013
"I-am" Parabrahman.
"I-am" the absolute reality.
Never was I born.
Never can I die.
I am not the body nor the mind nor the doer.
"I-am" pure consciousness, all-pervading.
Fire cannot burn me.
Water cannot drown me.
No harm can ever come to me.
For I am not what I appear to be.
How wonderful this is.
You should spend all of your spare time thinking of these things.
~ Robert Adams
"I-am" the absolute reality.
Never was I born.
Never can I die.
I am not the body nor the mind nor the doer.
"I-am" pure consciousness, all-pervading.
Fire cannot burn me.
Water cannot drown me.
No harm can ever come to me.
For I am not what I appear to be.
How wonderful this is.
You should spend all of your spare time thinking of these things.
~ Robert Adams
sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2013
There will be periods of frustration; there will be periods of doubt. Your worldly involvements would hamper your Sadhana (practice) and an atmosphere of defeat would prevail. But, come what may, just throw everything aside, don't bother about anything and continue your abidance in the 'I am' with all earnestness. The 'I am' would test your endurance, but a moment would come when it will be pleased with you, become your friend and release its stranglehold on you, and reveal all the secrets.
Consciousness and unconsciousness are two aspects of one life. They co-exist. To know the world you forget the self - to know the self you forget the world. What is world after all? A collection of memories. Cling to one thing that matters, hold on to 'I am' and let go all else. This is sadhana. In realization there is nothing to hold on to and nothing to forget. Everything is known, nothing is remembered.
~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013
segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2013
segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2013
domingo, 7 de julho de 2013
All thoughts vanish into emptiness
"Good and bad,
Happy and sad,
All thoughts vanish into emptiness,
Like the imprint of a bird in the sky."
Happy and sad,
All thoughts vanish into emptiness,
Like the imprint of a bird in the sky."
from The Sadhana of Mahamudra by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
sábado, 6 de julho de 2013
Nothing is wrong with you
Nothing is wrong with you, but the ideas you have of yourself are altogether wrong. It is not you who desires, fears and suffers, it is the person built on the foundation of your body by circumstances and influences. You are not that person. This must be clearly established in your mind and never lost sight of.
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
I have no karma
I have no karma; I'm the sacrificial fire in which all karma's consumed.
I have no sorrow; I'm the sacrificial fire in which all sorrow's consumed.
I have no craving; I'm the sacrificial fire in which all craving's consumed.
I'm nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I'm everywhere, like space.
Sinless, I consume all sins; I'm the sacrificial fire.
Dutiless, I consume all duties; I'm the sacrificial fire.
Boundless, I consume all bondage; I'm the sacrificial fire.
I'm nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I'm everywhere, like space.
~ Dattatreya's Song of the Avadhut (3.9-10)
I have no sorrow; I'm the sacrificial fire in which all sorrow's consumed.
I have no craving; I'm the sacrificial fire in which all craving's consumed.
I'm nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I'm everywhere, like space.
Sinless, I consume all sins; I'm the sacrificial fire.
Dutiless, I consume all duties; I'm the sacrificial fire.
Boundless, I consume all bondage; I'm the sacrificial fire.
I'm nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I'm everywhere, like space.
~ Dattatreya's Song of the Avadhut (3.9-10)
Even now the mind is not.
Even now the mind is not. Recognize it. How can you do it if not in everyday activities. They go on automatically. Know that the mind promoting them is not real but a phantom proceeding from the Self.
Ramana Maharshi
sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013
Questioner: How to deal with people?
Nisargadatta Maharaj: Why make plans and what for? Such questions show anxiety. Relationship is a living thing. Be at peace with your inner self and you will be at peace with everybody.
Realise that you are not the master of what happens, you cannot control the future except in purely technical matters. Human relationship cannot be planned, it is too rich and varied. Just be understanding and compassionate, free of all self seeking.
Nisargadatta Maharaj: Why make plans and what for? Such questions show anxiety. Relationship is a living thing. Be at peace with your inner self and you will be at peace with everybody.
Realise that you are not the master of what happens, you cannot control the future except in purely technical matters. Human relationship cannot be planned, it is too rich and varied. Just be understanding and compassionate, free of all self seeking.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2013
"A consciência do justo é o único templo do único Deus; e, nesse templo, a renúncia ao egoísmo é o único culto"
- Antero de Quental.
- Antero de Quental.
domingo, 30 de junho de 2013
quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013
“(…) Se conhecêssemos melhor a máquina do mundo, talvez descobríssemos que muita tirania se estabelece fora de nós como se fosse a projecção, ou como sendo realmente a projecção, das linhas autocráticas que temos dentro de nós; primeiro oprimimos, depois nos oprimem; no fundo, quase sempre nos queixamos dos ditadores que nós mesmos somos para os outros. (…)”
- Agostinho da Silva, "Sobre as Escolhas"
- Agostinho da Silva, "Sobre as Escolhas"
domingo, 16 de junho de 2013
"Siddhis keep you from becoming enlightened.
Siddhis actually keep you back.
Some people, because of past lives and past experiences,
as they progress on this path, they develop certain siddhis.
They can ... read the future, look into the past,
be able to do astrology, the I Ching,
become a Master of occult powers.
In the Upanishads it clearly states,
occult powers will keep you back for thousands of incarnations.
Do not rest on siddhis.
Leave the siddhis alone.
Go beyond them.
Go beyond everything, until there is no one left to do siddhis.
To do siddhis, there has to be an entity.
There has to be a person to experience these siddhis.
In Advaita Vedanta, the person becomes obliterated.
Therefore for whom are there siddhis?
So when you see a person with great siddhis,
really that person has a mind.
His or her mind is still working, and they will not be free.
Only when you give it all up, and you destroy the ego,
the personality, do you become omnipresence.
If you are everything, why do you need siddhis?
Forget about siddhis."
~Robert Adams - T173: Turn Within Always
Siddhis actually keep you back.
Some people, because of past lives and past experiences,
as they progress on this path, they develop certain siddhis.
They can ... read the future, look into the past,
be able to do astrology, the I Ching,
become a Master of occult powers.
In the Upanishads it clearly states,
occult powers will keep you back for thousands of incarnations.
Do not rest on siddhis.
Leave the siddhis alone.
Go beyond them.
Go beyond everything, until there is no one left to do siddhis.
To do siddhis, there has to be an entity.
There has to be a person to experience these siddhis.
In Advaita Vedanta, the person becomes obliterated.
Therefore for whom are there siddhis?
So when you see a person with great siddhis,
really that person has a mind.
His or her mind is still working, and they will not be free.
Only when you give it all up, and you destroy the ego,
the personality, do you become omnipresence.
If you are everything, why do you need siddhis?
Forget about siddhis."
~Robert Adams - T173: Turn Within Always
quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2013
You have this choice again.
To realize the world is a dream, to leave everything alone, to be at peace with yourself, and to be at peace with others, and just observe the world without reacting to it.
Or you can get completely and fully involved in this world, totally involved in the world, trying to make things happen, trying to make yourself popular, make yourself good, bad, go through all kinds of experiences, and always fighting for survival.
This is the choice you've got. This is the choice you have. This is the choice that you have to work with. What will you do with it?
~ Robert Adams
To realize the world is a dream, to leave everything alone, to be at peace with yourself, and to be at peace with others, and just observe the world without reacting to it.
Or you can get completely and fully involved in this world, totally involved in the world, trying to make things happen, trying to make yourself popular, make yourself good, bad, go through all kinds of experiences, and always fighting for survival.
This is the choice you've got. This is the choice you have. This is the choice that you have to work with. What will you do with it?
~ Robert Adams
sexta-feira, 24 de maio de 2013
If you desire the world,
You may try to renounce it
In order to escape sorrow.
Instead, renounce desire!
Then you will be free of sorrow,
And the world will not trouble you.
If you desire liberation,
But you still say "mine,"
If you feel you are the body,
You are not a wise man or seeker.
You are simply a man who suffers.
Let Hari teach you
Or Brahma, born of the lotus,
Or Shiva himself!
Unless you forget everything,
You will never live in your heart.
~ Ashtavakra Gita 16.9-11
You may try to renounce it
In order to escape sorrow.
Instead, renounce desire!
Then you will be free of sorrow,
And the world will not trouble you.
If you desire liberation,
But you still say "mine,"
If you feel you are the body,
You are not a wise man or seeker.
You are simply a man who suffers.
Let Hari teach you
Or Brahma, born of the lotus,
Or Shiva himself!
Unless you forget everything,
You will never live in your heart.
~ Ashtavakra Gita 16.9-11
sábado, 18 de maio de 2013
There are no states of awakening. There are no levels. You are either awakened or not awakened. The levels are in sadhana. In spiritual practice. There are levels in spiritual practice. But there are no levels in awakening. Once you awaken you understand that you've always been awakened. There never was a time when you were not awakened.
~ Robert Adams
~ Robert Adams
quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2013
sábado, 20 de abril de 2013
segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2013
domingo, 14 de abril de 2013
" Everything in Nature has a threefold aspect. The highest aspect of alchemy is the regeneration of man in the spirit of God out of the material elements of his physical body. The physical body itself is the greatest of mysteries, because in it are contained in a condensed, solidified, and corporeal state the very essences which go to make up the substance of the spiritual man, and this is the secret of the "Philosopher's Stone." Man roots with his material elements in the earth, penetrates with his soul through the animal forces of Nature, while his higher nature reaches above the animal creation into the realm of immortality. "
quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013
● Ignorance is not overcome by brute force—it is overcome only by enlightenment.
● Philosophy is the perfect science and the science of perfection.
● The living of philosophy is the most noble of all arts.
● Absolute knowledge exists only in the Divine Nature itself and is alone discoverable by the inner perceptions of an enlightened soul. This is because the soul itself, being part of the Divine Nature, partakes subjectively of divine knowledge. "
- Manly Palmer Hall
● Philosophy is the perfect science and the science of perfection.
● The living of philosophy is the most noble of all arts.
● Absolute knowledge exists only in the Divine Nature itself and is alone discoverable by the inner perceptions of an enlightened soul. This is because the soul itself, being part of the Divine Nature, partakes subjectively of divine knowledge. "
- Manly Palmer Hall
quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013
“[…] o povo português […] teve um projecto, ou melhor, guarda nos seus arcanos, no seu inconsciente arcaico, na cifra da sua língua e cultura, na sua memória inconsciente, no seu imaginário, no seu pensamento implícito e por vezes explícito, um projecto, a que chamamos um projecto áureo de realização da humanidade”
- António Quadros, Portugal, Razão e Mistério, I, Lisboa, Guimarães Editores, 1986, p.17.
- António Quadros, Portugal, Razão e Mistério, I, Lisboa, Guimarães Editores, 1986, p.17.
terça-feira, 12 de março de 2013
domingo, 10 de março de 2013
sábado, 9 de março de 2013
terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013
segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013
domingo, 3 de março de 2013
sábado, 2 de março de 2013
quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013
Everything you see, comes to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are heard, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are touched, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are tasted, come to pass,
Know you are not that.
All things that are thought of, come to pass,
Know that you are not that.
All things, which are imagined, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are learned, come to pass,
Know you are not that.
All that is manifest comes to pass,
Know you are not that.
All things of the mind come to pass,
Know that you are not that.
That which does not come to pass, but inside which all phenomena come to pass, know That - to be yourSelf.
~ Mooji
Know that you are not that.
All things that are heard, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are touched, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are tasted, come to pass,
Know you are not that.
All things that are thought of, come to pass,
Know that you are not that.
All things, which are imagined, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are learned, come to pass,
Know you are not that.
All that is manifest comes to pass,
Know you are not that.
All things of the mind come to pass,
Know that you are not that.
That which does not come to pass, but inside which all phenomena come to pass, know That - to be yourSelf.
~ Mooji
quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013
“É dentro de nós, em nós e por nosso exforço, que tem de vir, e virá, D. Sebastião. O Sebastianismo só é infecundo e estiolante quando o interpreto litteralmente, como a sperança da vinda exterior do Rei ido, vinda que, sem nosso exforço, milagrosamente nos haja de salvar.
Não é de fora, é de dentro que apparecerá D. Sebastião […]”
- Fernando Pessoa, Sebastianismo e Quinto Império
Não é de fora, é de dentro que apparecerá D. Sebastião […]”
- Fernando Pessoa, Sebastianismo e Quinto Império
segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013
domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2013
All experience is illusory, limited and temporal. Expect nothing from experience. Realisation by itself is not an experience, though it may lead to a new dimension of experiences. Yet the new experiences, however interesting, are not more real than the old. Definitely realisation is not a new experience. It is the discovery of the timeless factor in every experience. It is awareness, which makes experience possible. Just like in all the colours light is the colourless factor, so in every experience awareness is present, yet it is not an experience.
~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013
● And Ieschouah said“[Come], that I may teach you about [secrets] no person [has] ever seen. For there exists a great and boundless realm, whose extent no generation of angels has seen, [in which] there is [a] great invisible [Spirit],
which no eye of an angel has ever seen, no thought of the heart has ever comprehended,and it was never called by any name ●
- The Gospel of Judas
which no eye of an angel has ever seen, no thought of the heart has ever comprehended,and it was never called by any name ●
- The Gospel of Judas
" When a person, by means of his studies, reaches the level at which he wants nothing but spiritual elevation and at which he accepts only the bare necessities of life in order to sustain his physical existence, not for pleasure’s sake, this is the first step of his ascent to the spiritual world. "
- Talmud, Psachim
- Talmud, Psachim
quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013
"A ciência materialista ocidental não tem lugar para qualquer tipo de espiritualidade e, na realidade, considera-a incompatível com a visão de mundo científica. A moderna pesquisa da consciência mostra que a espiritualidade é uma dimensão natural e legítima da psique humana e do plano universal das coisas. Contudo, nesse contexto, é importante enfatizar que essa declaração aplica-se à espiritualidade genuína e não às doutrinas das religiões organizadas."
- Stanislav Grof, Psicologia do Futuro
- Stanislav Grof, Psicologia do Futuro
quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013
" I advise you, whoever you are, oh you! Who wish to explore the mysteries of nature, if you do not find within that which you seek, neither shall you find it outside. If you ignore the excellencies Of your own house, how do you intend to find excellence elsewhere? Within you is hidden the treasure. Oh, man, know thyself and you shall know the Universe and the Gods! "
- The oracle at Delphi
- The oracle at Delphi
terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013
quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013
Agostinho da Silva nasceu a 13 de Fevereiro de 1906, há 107 anos.
“Quando chegou a minha hora de nascer no céu das ideias, estava atento ao globo terrestre que ia passando pela frente à espera de encontrar uma terra que me agradasse. E, como eu, estavam outros: quer dizer, toda a gente escolhe o lugar onde nasce. Que nascer não é uma fatalidade, mas uma escolha pré-consciente, daquela consciência que se perde quando se voa do Céu para a Terra, como dizia Platão...”
- Agostinho da Silva, Vida Conversável, 1994.
“Quando chegou a minha hora de nascer no céu das ideias, estava atento ao globo terrestre que ia passando pela frente à espera de encontrar uma terra que me agradasse. E, como eu, estavam outros: quer dizer, toda a gente escolhe o lugar onde nasce. Que nascer não é uma fatalidade, mas uma escolha pré-consciente, daquela consciência que se perde quando se voa do Céu para a Terra, como dizia Platão...”
- Agostinho da Silva, Vida Conversável, 1994.
terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2013
To see reality is as simple as to see one's face in a mirror. Only the mirror must be clear and true. A quiet mind, undistorted by desires and fears, free from ideas and opinions, clear on all the levels, is needed to reflect the reality. Be clear and quiet -- alert and detached, all else will happen by itself.
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013
" The philosopher's stone is really the philosophical stone, for philosophy is truly likened to a magic jewel whose touch transmutes base substances into priceless gems like itself. Wisdom is the alchemist's powder of projection which transforms many thousand times its own weight of gross ignorance into the precious substance of enlightenment. "- Manly Palmer Hall
quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013
"We should learn to see everyday life as mandala - the luminous fringes of experience which radiate spontaneously from the empty nature of our being. The aspects of our mandala are the day-to-day objects of our life experience moving in the dance or play of the universe. By this symbolism the inner teacher reveals the profound and ultimate significance of being. Therefore we should be natural and spontaneous, accepting and learning from everything. This enables us to see the ironic and amusing side of events that usually irritate us....The everyday practice of Dzogchen is just everyday life itself."
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
~Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2013
Live as though you don't exist; like you are two eyeballs floating in space with nothing behind them.
No brain attached. Not even hair - Nothing.
There is a place inside your own heart, inside your own being that knows the kind of seemingly foolish things I speak and it is totally thrilled to be reminded of this infinite expanse and infinite joy that it is.
Find this place.
~ Mooji
No brain attached. Not even hair - Nothing.
There is a place inside your own heart, inside your own being that knows the kind of seemingly foolish things I speak and it is totally thrilled to be reminded of this infinite expanse and infinite joy that it is.
Find this place.
~ Mooji
quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013
quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013
domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013
Do not believe that anything that has happened to you, to your body, to your affairs, has been erroneous.
Everything that's happened to you has been necessary.
You are in your right place, going through the right conditions.
You are with the right people.
You are where you're supposed to be.
The wise person does not complain about their lot.
They rise higher by self-inquiry, by explaining to themselves, inquiring within themselves, "How did I come here?
What is my source?
Who am I?" and becoming totally free and liberated.
- Ponder this.
Everything that's happened to you has been necessary.
You are in your right place, going through the right conditions.
You are with the right people.
You are where you're supposed to be.
The wise person does not complain about their lot.
They rise higher by self-inquiry, by explaining to themselves, inquiring within themselves, "How did I come here?
What is my source?
Who am I?" and becoming totally free and liberated.
- Ponder this.
Robert Adams
quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013
O suplício físico de Jacques de Molay,
O suplício físico de Jacques de Molay, impotente para produzir nenhum resultado mais que baixamente material, desencadeou sobre a Igreja as forças mágicas que essa acção material era incompetente para dominar, servindo só para as desencadear. E o pior foi que o processo de imolação fosse pelo Fogo, isto é, pelo Elemento da Ordem. Assim, para falar um pouco obscuramente, o que era Adepto Exempto, em vez de passar a Mestre do Templo, foi erguido a Mago, e, apto a pronunciar a Palavra da Era, pronunciou-a como Irmão Negro, e contra a Igreja. Toda a civilização moderna, desde a Reforma aos nossos tempos, no que é oposição à Igreja e conspurcação dela e dos seus princípios, é a vingança encarnada de Jacques do Molay. A fogueira em que foi queimado o Grão-Mestre dos Templários foi o lume que ateou o incêndio em que hoje todos ardemos.
Num ponto, porém, a vingança de Molay, operando per vias inferiores, caiu no mesmo erro em que haviam caído os seus algozes. Foi quando D. Sebastião, AE [Adepto Exempto], foi feito cair em Alcácer Quibir. Caiu pela espada, isto é, pela Terra, e o erro foi o mesmo que o de fazer Molay cair pelo Fogo, porque de igual natureza. No mesmo modo o Adepto Exempto ascendeu a Mago, queimando o grau intermédio, e pronunciou, no tempo dado, a Palavra de Era seguinte.
Fernando Pessoa e a Filosofia Hermética - Fragmentos do espólio . Fernando Pessoa. (Introdução e organização de Yvette K. Centeno.) Lisboa: Presença, 1985.
- 43.quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013
terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013
sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013
"Lo! This is the self-aware primordial wisdom.
It is beyond all avenues of speech and all thoughts of mind.
I, Tilopa have nothing further to reveal. Know all to be the display of awareness.
Without imagining, without deliberating, without analyzing, without meditating,
without investigating, just let the mind be in its natural state."
India Mahasiddha Tilopa
quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013
terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013
sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2013
quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2013
Everyone has Buddha-nature in him, so don't think that you are not worthy or fit enough to win freedom. Everyone is Buddha himself, but you don't recognize your Buddha-nature because you want something else. You don't love and honor your own Self. Your Self is Buddha. Yet, you don't believe this because you are deeply attached to something else which is temporary, impermanent and false. All your attention is focused on the unreal. The genuine desire for freedom cannot rise in someone who is firmly established in ignorance. When you are in ignorance, Reality is kept hidden from you. Something else is projected within the mind which you take to be real. All this is nothing but ignorance.
~ Sri H. W. L. Poonja (Papaji)
~ Sri H. W. L. Poonja (Papaji)
sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2013
I Am a keeper of sheep.
I'm a
keeper of sheep.
The sheep
are my thoughts
And my
thoughts are all sensations.
I think
with my eyes and ears
And with my
hands and feet
And with my
nose and mouth.
To think is
to see it and smell it
And to eat
a fruit is to taste it's meaning.
That's why
on a hot day
When I ache
from enjoying it so much,
And stretch
out on the grass,
Closing my
warm eyes,
I feel my
whole body lying full length in reality,
I know the
truth and I'm happy.
Alberto Caeiro
(do site
O Universo
O universo não é uma idéia minha.
A minha idéia do Universo é que é uma idéia minha.
A noite não anoitece pelos meus olhos,
A minha idéia da noite é que anoitece por meus olhos.
Fora de eu pensar e de haver quaisquer pensamentos
A noite anoitece concretamente
E o fulgor das estrelas existe como se tivesse peso.
Alberto Caeiro
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