domingo, 30 de junho de 2013

Longing is the core of mystery.
Longing itself brings the cure.
The only rule is, suffer the pain.

Your desire must be disciplined,
and what you want to happen
in time, sacrificed.

~ Rumi

quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013

“(…) Se conhecêssemos melhor a máquina do mundo, talvez descobríssemos que muita tirania se estabelece fora de nós como se fosse a projecção, ou como sendo realmente a projecção, das linhas autocráticas que temos dentro de nós; primeiro oprimimos, depois nos oprimem; no fundo, quase sempre nos queixamos dos ditadores que nós mesmos somos para os outros. (…)”

- Agostinho da Silva, "Sobre as Escolhas"

segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013

If your thought is a rose you are a rose garden, if it is thorn , thorn garden. Rumi

terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

domingo, 16 de junho de 2013

"Siddhis keep you from becoming enlightened.
Siddhis actually keep you back.
Some people, because of past lives and past experiences,
as they progress on this path, they develop certain siddhis.
They can ... read the future, look into the past,
be able to do astrology, the I Ching,
become a Master of occult powers.
In the Upanishads it clearly states,
occult powers will keep you back for thousands of incarnations.
Do not rest on siddhis.
Leave the siddhis alone.
Go beyond them.
Go beyond everything, until there is no one left to do siddhis.
To do siddhis, there has to be an entity.
There has to be a person to experience these siddhis.
In Advaita Vedanta, the person becomes obliterated.
Therefore for whom are there siddhis?
So when you see a person with great siddhis,
really that person has a mind.
His or her mind is still working, and they will not be free.
Only when you give it all up, and you destroy the ego,
the personality, do you become omnipresence.
If you are everything, why do you need siddhis?
Forget about siddhis."

~Robert Adams - T173: Turn Within Always

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2013

By day I praised you, and never knew it. By night I stayed with you, and never knew it. I always thought that I was me--but no, I was you and never knew it --- Rumi
You have this choice again.

To realize the world is a dream, to leave everything alone, to be at peace with yourself, and to be at peace with others, and just observe the world without reacting to it.

Or you can get completely and fully involved in this world, totally involved in the world, trying to make things happen, trying to make yourself popular, make yourself good, bad, go through all kinds of experiences, and always fighting for survival.

This is the choice you've got. This is the choice you have. This is the choice that you have to work with. What will you do with it?

~ Robert Adams

terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2013