The Confession of a Jñāni
For a Jñāni who has realized the identity of his inner being with the infinite Brahman there is no rebirth, no migration, and no liberation.
He is beyond all this. He is firmly established in his own Absolute Existence-Knowledge-Bliss true nature.
The further existence of his body and the world appears to the Jñāni as an illusion, which he cannot remove, but which no longer deceives him.
After the death of this body, as in life, he remains where and what he eternally is, the first principle of all beings and things: formless, nameless, unsoiled, timeless, dimensionless and utterly free.
Death cannot touch him, cravings cannot torture him, sins do not stain him; he is free from all desire and suffering.
He sees the infinite Self in all, and all in the infinite Self, which is his being.
The Jñāni confesses his experience thus:
I am infinite, imperishable, Self-luminous, Self-existent, I am without beginning or end, I am birthless, deathless, without change or decay. I permeate and interpenetrate all things. In the myriad universes of thought and creation I Alone Am.
Robert Adams
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